Friday, 16 November 2012

False Advertising and 'Wonder' Products

I'm going to kick this post off by again apologising for the lack of activity in the blog; the reason for this is that I've been training so much lately that between that and my uni work, I haven't really had time to get any material out. However now I'm more used to my schedule I'll try and keep the posts coming regularly and hopefully continue to be of some use to people. Anyway lets get on with this post, I've seen a lot of things flying around the internet lately about diet and weight loss secrets; wonder products and the list goes on. 

An advert that I see way too much is some bullshit transformation secrets with before and after pictures. They promise to share their secrets with you if you pay them - what good Samaritans they are. Personally I find it an insult to people like myself that work damn hard to meet their targets and achieve their goals that some website can just appear and promise some instant results with just a few little secrets which are most probably either unrealistic, ineffective, or the same information that you can get anywhere else for free. If you were to come to me and ask me directly about the secrets to transforming your body I'd tell you the same motto that I've stuck to since starting to train myself seriously. The only 'secrets' to getting your body into the shape that you want are blood, sweat and tears, in other words - hard work. 

Take a look at all of the top athletes, and even just the people that you may see in your gym - they all got to where they are because they worked hard to learn the ins and outs of fitness and exercise, and worked even harder to put that information into practice. Anyone that puts everything they've got into achieving their goals is a person that you should respect. Don't mess around with the scams and the cons. The harsh reality is that if you're willing to pay a source that you know nothing about in return for weight loss just shows that you're lazy. You haven't got the right mentality and mindset to really achieve the goals that you want. Now although you may lack that mentality, its not impossible to achieve. The moment that you commit yourself fully to your dreams, is the moment that your success is guaranteed. Once you've got that down then its only a matter of time until you're hitting targets and edging closer to your final goal.

 If you think about it, the only base secret to achieving the body you want is that you're the only one standing in your way. I'm by no means saying that you have to hit the gym constantly to achieve these goals; a lot of people that I know hate going to the gym; they get their exercise in ways that they enjoy. Find something that you enjoy doing and you'll stick to it - whether its competitive sport, training in the gym with a friend, or even just going running from time to time; every bit of effort that you put in brings you a step closer to your goals. So please, don't fall for the ads - they just want your money and they're not going to tell you anything that you don't already know; all the information that you want to find will be available for free somewhere. I myself am more than happy to help anyone out as long as they're serious about what they want to achieve. Sources such as Fitness Made Ez (Links to his pages can be found at the bottom of this post) and The Hodgetwins/TwinMuscleWorkout provide some amazing free information, and there's countless other places to find good, trustworthy info. However, if you're going to start anywhere; I'd strongly suggest starting with those guys. 

The other thing that I wanted to talk about are the 'wonder' products that are being spewed onto the internet left, right and centre. Supposed diet pills and products designed to help you gain ridiculous amounts of muscle in a short space of time. There's not much to say on the muscle building side of things, apart from the fact that to gain an unbelievable amount of muscle in just a few weeks; you'd have to take steroids. I understand that professional bodybuilders take steroids for competition's sake - anyone else is going to sign their own death warrant through steroid abuse; because believe it or not they will kill you eventually, and sadly it will be slow and painful. The real problem that I have however, are with the diet and weight loss pills. The answer to losing weight healthily and keeping it off is being dedicated to your exercise regime and really being smart about what you eat. A popular scam these days is that of the Acai berry tablets - there is no way in hell that a berry can make you lose weight automatically with no effort (unless its poisonous and makes you lose weight through illness). Relying on a product to do the hard work that you should be doing yourself is pointless because you'll be disappointed when no results are shown. Things like 'Adios' and SlimFast are widely advertised and sold; yet people are under many illusions as to their purpose and how to use them. For example, Adios themselves stated that the pills ' Combined with a calorie-controlled diet and exercise' will show results. To me this just begs the question - what the hell is the point in taking these tablets if you have to change your lifestyle completely anyway? Chances are that your lifestyle change will show the results and the supplement will take all the credit for it. That's how you generate the ill informed positive feedback and results.

Don't assume that there aren't products that can help you out there. I myself currently take Warrior Blaze; and with a decent diet and routine, it definitely helps. I know this because I've tried training with and without it - although I saw results when not taking it, the best results came when I coupled it with my training and used it as it was really supposed to be used. Take it from me - Warrior are a trustworthy, cost effective and generally pleasant company to do business with and I'd highly recommend them. Other products that work are products such as Grenades, but I found that they had way too many side effects, including nausea and sickness. If you want to buy supplements from Warrior, you can tweet them for more information at @WarriorSupps . Or just search Warrior Supplements in Google, they're sold at every decent supplement site including my personal favourite -

Well I hope that you've found this information useful, if you've got any feedback then you can tweet me @Wrighty__ or find me on Facebook - or just leave a comment on here. Also, as promised, you can find Fitness Made EZ on Twitter - @FitnessMadeEZ , Facebook - ,, and even on Youtube - My best advice to you at this point is don't be pulled in by scams and cons, do your research, find what works for you, and put it into action. Until next time, 
Keep Testing the Limits

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